El presentador de la FOX Geraldo Rivera aparece en el programa de la misma cadena de Bill OReilly.
traducido por Greg Grisham
subtitulado por Javier Yuste
Haciendo lo que los periodista$ y ON€ españoles cobran por no hacer.
A continuación el transcrito preciso en Inglés y artículos relacionados
0:00 John, This is just another of a long string of domestic terror cases, involving a 21 year old U.S. citizen. A recent convert to Islam. His name Antonio Martinez. But he also went by the name Muhamd Hussein. He’s facing two counts of terrorism, for aledgedly plotting to blow-up a military recruiting center in Katingsville, Maryland outside Baltimore. But, because of a tip from an informant, the FBI was onto him. They provided him with a fake bomb. When he went to detonate it this morning, it did not go off and he was arrested. Although on his Facebook page he expressed admiration for Anwar Alowaki, the U.S. born cleric who is now a key figure of Al Qeada in the Arabian Peninsula. The U.S. authorities beleive he was acting alone. They do not expect any addition arrests.
Alright, real quick. We only have 90 seconds. Another muslim guy, arrested in Maryland by the FBI in a sting operation. Apparently the guy wanted to blow a military recruiting center.
Its bogous. Absolutely bogus.
Alright, just tell us what happened.
Antonio Martinez, a 21 year old. He converts to muslim. He writes on his Facebook page, “I hate people who hate Islam. I hate people who don’t beleive in the Prophet. I’m really pissed off at what’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. So what happens then is some informers tip off the FBI that this guy is writing this crap in his Facebook page. They send in undercover people posing as radicals and they seduce this kid...
Oreilly interrupts: Seduce the kid! You were there? You heard the seduction?
The seduced the kid from Newburgh, N.Y.. Same way they seduced those involved in the Sears Tower conspiracy.
Oreilly interrupts: How do you know? You weren’t there.
They seduced him the same way they did that young man in Oregon.
Oreilly: You’re ignoring me.
But the problem is Bill these FBI agents, with not much to do, use their resourses.
I’m surprsied at you.
No, These are entrapment cases.
Oreilly: You don’t know. Let it go.
These are not real crimes. This person took no overt act to commit a crime untill he met the FBI informant who set him up. This is a gullable youngster. If we use our resources to get these people…
Oreily. It depends. Look, we got your point. Let me rebut and we gotta go. It depends on the pathway to the proposed violence. And that is what a jury should hear. So I’m for these things. Rivera’s against them.
The guy puts it on his Facebook...
You should go camping with Napolitano.
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