Parece que Ben Garrison ha sido atacado en su web una vez publicada la caricatura que le hizo a MCain y publico el domingo por la noche y pudieron recuperarla al cabo de 8 horas, ya lunes por la mañana.
El mensaje que nos manda a sus Patrons es el siguiente:
Hello From Montana-
You may have noticed that our site, was suspended for over eight hours last night.
You may have noticed that our site, was suspended for over eight hours last night.
Our site is back up now, but is very slow to load.
This happened Monday morning, right after Ben's McCain Cartoon was published late Sunday afternoon.
We were attacked.
And silenced.
We were censored.
Fortunately, we are back online now. Because of this, so many people contacted us with messages of support in this censorship crisis- we want to thank you and everyone for the YUGE out pouring of kindness and offers of help. We are truly thankful we have you.
Ben has made a very special video just for you and wants to thank all of our fans and friends for your support and kindness! Please click on the button below and watch now to hear his message.
This happened Monday morning, right after Ben's McCain Cartoon was published late Sunday afternoon.
We were attacked.
And silenced.
We were censored.
Fortunately, we are back online now. Because of this, so many people contacted us with messages of support in this censorship crisis- we want to thank you and everyone for the YUGE out pouring of kindness and offers of help. We are truly thankful we have you.
Ben has made a very special video just for you and wants to thank all of our fans and friends for your support and kindness! Please click on the button below and watch now to hear his message.
Hola desde Montana.
Puedes haberte dado cuenta que nuestro site, fue suspendido durante 8 horas la última noche.
Nuestro site esta de nuevo activo, pero es muy lento para cargar.
Esto ocurrión la mañana del Lunes, después de que Ben publicara la caricatura de McCain, publicada el domingo por la tarde noche.
Fuimos atacados.
Fuimos censurados.
Afortunadamete estamos de vuelta. Debido a esto, tanta gente que ha contactado a nosotros con mensaje de soporte en esta crisis de censura, queremos agradecerte y a cualquier YUGE (no se a que se refiere) fuera derramando bondad y ofrecer su ayuda. Nosotros estamos verdaderamente agradecidos a ti.
Ben ha hecho un video muy especial para ti y quiere agradecer a todos los fans y amigos por el soporte y bondad, Por favor clckea sobre el boton de abajo para ver y escuchar este mensaje.
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